Excm. Sr. Josep COSTA i LÓPEZ

Vinaròs (Castelló), 1936
Chemistry Section 3rd
Speciality: Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Technology
Ingress date: 2008.03.27

Education: B.Sc. 1959 (University of Valencia, Spain), Chem. Eng. 1962 (University of Toulouse, France), Ph.D. 1966 (Prof. Dr. Enrique Costa-Novella, University of Madrid) Appointements: Assistant Professor at the University of Madrid 1962-1966. Full Professor at the University of Barcelona (UB) 1966-2006. Emeritus Professor at the University of Barcelona (UB) 2006-2009. Emeritus Professor, Education Department (Madrid) 2006-…; Office charges at the UB: Head of Chemical Engineering Department 1966-1976 and 1987.1993, Dean of Faculty of Chemistry 1976-1987. Dean of Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Químicos de Catalunya (Professional Association of Chemists) 1996-… Main fields of courses: Chemical engineering, Safety, Health and Environmental Technology, Forensic Science and Engineering Main fields of research: mass transfer, mass transfer with chemical reaction, applied kinetics for reactor design, photochemical reactor design, electrochemical rector design, biochemical reactor design, reactive distillation. Publications: 3 textbooks and more than 20 books translated of Chemical Engineering. More than 200 scientific articles, supervisor of 44 Ph. D. theses. More than 300 reports as expert witness in Forensic Science and Engineering. Awards and honours: Juan March Foundation grant (1963); Cañada Blanch Foundation prize to his Ph. D. thesis (1966); Narcís Monturiol Silver Medal of Generalitat de Catalunya to the scientific merit (2004); correspondent Academic of Reial Acadèmia de Medicina de Barcelona; Silver and Bronze Medals of University of Barcelona

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