Excm. Sr. Joaquim BRUNA i FLORIS

Barcelona, 1953
Mathematics and Astronomy (1st)
Speciality: Mathematical Analysis
Ingress date: 2008.24.04
Medal: 72

Education: B.Sc., 1975 (University of Barcelona); Ph.D., 1978 (Prof. Joan Cerdà Martin, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB); postdoc position (1978-79) with Prof. P. Malliavin, Université Paris VI (France). Appointments: Associate Professor of the University of Sevilla (1980), Associate Professor UAB (1980-1984), Visiting Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison(1985) and University of New York at Albany (1986). Full Professor of UAB from 1984 till present. Visiting professor at Universities of Marseille (1988), Bordeaux (1990), Toulouse (1992), and Orsay (1994, 1997 and 2003). Chairman of the Department of Mathematics of UAB (1998-2002), Director of the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (2007-2015). Member of the ICM 2006 Program Committee. Main fields of research and artistic creation: Classical Analysis, Function theory, Harmonic Analysis, Complex Analysis in one and several variables, Mathematical aspects of signal processing, Industrial Mathematics. Publications: About 60 peer-reviewed articles and supervisor of 10 Ph.D. theses. Awards and honors: Award for university-based research by the Catalan government (2002), Narcís Monturiol medal to the scientific merit (2013, Generalitat de Catalunya).

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