4. Earth Sciences

It covers geology and other related sciences, such as geography, geophysics, geochemistry and the studies of natural resources.

Director: Excm. Sr. Miquel Canals i Artiga
Secretary: Excm. Sr. Xavier Querol i Carceller

1. Excm. Sr. Jordi Agustí i Ballester

  • Paleontology, Medal 23

2. Excm. Sr. Joan Albaigés i Riera

  • Organic geochemistry, Medal 40

3. Excm. Sr. Enric Banda i Tarradellas

  • Sustainability/geophysics, Medal 18

4. Excm. Sr. Miquel Canals i Artigas

  • Marine geology, Medal 41

5. Excm. Sr. Javier Martín Vide

  • Climatology, Medal 11

6. Excm. Sr. Mariano Marzo i Carpio

  • Energy resources, Medal 42

7. Excm. Sr. Cai Puigdefàbregas i Tomàs

  • Sedimentary Geology, Medal 29

8. Excma. Sra. Montserrat Torné i Escasany

  • Lithospheric geophysics, Medal 7

9. Ecxm. Sr. Xavier Querol

  • Atmospheric Geochemistry, Medal 56

10. Excm. Sr. Josep Anton Múñoz de la Fuente

  • Geodynamics, medal 47

11. Excm. Sr. Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes

  • Climate model, medal 30



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